Study & Job Opportunities

WildPixels Project – Scholarship Positions (Open)

§ Scholarship values (negotiable):
– MSc. position: R$ 2.000,00 (1st year) and R$ 2.200,00 (2nd year)
– PhD. position: R$ 2.800,00 (1st year) and R$ 3.200,00 (2nd year and beyond)

§ The student will be supervised by Prof. Jefersson Alex dos Santos (DCC/UFMG).

§ Selective process:
– CV analysis
– Interview (if necessary)

§ The student will conduct research in the scope of the WildPixels Project. Research topics include:

A) Out-of-Distribution (OOD) pixel detection and Open Set Recognition (OSR) for semantic segmentation, mainly focused on Extreme Value Theory (EVT) and bayesian methods.
B) Synthetic data generation using deep generative models (e.g. GANs, VAEs, Normalizing Flows, etc) and graph-based algorithms.
C) Interactive/Active/Online learning for large-scale semantic segmentation.
D) Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation.
E) Data Fusion from multiple views (aerial, satellite and street-level) or multiple sensors (e.g. optical and radar).

**Applications will be accepted until 22/Oct/2021 (PhD.) and 30/Nov/2021 (MSc.)

More info and application form:

PhD and MSc Students (Open)

Our Lab continuously admits new PhD and Masters students interested in working in our topics of research. Prospective students are advised to contact Prof. Jefersson to get some help with the application.

The Computer Science MSc program at the UFMG was created in 1974. Currently, the Computer Science postgraduate program has the highest rating(7) according to CAPES (Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel). Our Ph.D. program continually accepts new students. For the Master’s, two calls are opened every year.

Please visit the PPGCC website (in Portuguese) for more information:

Direct link for applications: