Utilização dos Servidores

Utilização dos Servidores

1. Connect to WIFI (patreo or patreo_5GHz) or VPN


2. Connect to servers (GPU: grenoble, cergy, pontoise; CPU: lille) via SSH:


ssh edemir@cergy


3. Create a docker container with support to gpus:
docker run --gpus all -it --name=$(whoami)_DESCRICAO -v /home/users/$(whoami):/home -w /home edemirfaj/patreo_bot:gpu-py3 bash


Obs: The image above "edemirfaj/patreo_bot:gpu-py3" contains pytorch '1.4.0' and tensorflow '1.14.0' installed on python3 (3.6.8); the flags -p 6006 and -p 8888 randomly maps the common used ports for tensorboard (6006) and jupyter notebooks (8888), which can be check using "docker ps | grep $(whoami)" outside the container.


4. In order to detach (leave the process running in the background) just press: Crtl+P+Q


5- To attach container: docker attach $(whoami)_DESCRICAO